Chapter 1: What is Trauma?

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Welcome to the first chapter of "Healing from Within: A Trauma Awareness Workbook." In this chapter, we will explore the fundamental concept of trauma, understanding its various forms, and recognizing its impact on our lives.

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Trauma, in its many forms, can leave lasting imprints on our lives. Understanding these imprints is crucial for the healing journey.

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Physical trauma

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may result from accidents, injuries, or violent incidents, leaving visible or internal scars.

List any physical trauma you experience

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Emotional trauma

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often stems from distressing experiences that affect our emotional well-being, influencing how we perceive and respond to the world.

List any emotional trauma in your life

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Psychological trauma

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can impact cognitive processes, affecting memory, concentration, and overall mental health.

List any psychological trauma you had

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It's important to acknowledge that trauma is a complex and deeply personal experience, and its effects can vary from person to person.

1.2 Personal Reflection:

Take a moment to reflect on your own experiences. In the space provided, jot down moments or events that may have caused you distress. This exercise is an opportunity to begin recognizing and acknowledging the impact of past experiences.

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1.2 Personal Reflection:





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Reflective Questions:

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Can you recall a specific incident that left a lasting emotional impact?

Have you ever felt physically or emotionally unsafe?

Are there memories that still evoke strong emotional responses?

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Reminder: This exercise is a safe space for personal reflection. Feel free to take your time and only explore what you are comfortable sharing.

Safe Place Exercise:

  • Find a comfortable seated or lying position, and let yourself relax, trusting that your imagination will guide you. Feel the support of the chair or the floor beneath you. If it feels right, close your eyes; otherwise, maintain a soft gaze on the floor.
  • Shift your attention to your breath, allowing it to become steady and soothing. Recognize the power of conscious breathing in influencing your nervous system.
  • Now, envision yourself in a unique, special place. This could be a real location you've experienced—a serene spot in nature or a comforting space in your home. It might also be an imaginary place, whether from fairy tales or your own creation. The key is that it brings you complete comfort and a sense of safety.
  • Engage your senses fully in this scene—listen to the sounds, inhale the aromas, feel the gentle touch of the air on your skin. Take note of what you're wearing, any sensations on your feet, the time of year, and the time of day.
  • Become aware of the temperature in the air—is it warm or cool? Acknowledge your age in this space and observe if you're alone or accompanied, perhaps by an animal. Scan the surroundings for anything that could enhance your comfort. If needed, remove or add elements to make it more soothing.
  • Breathe deeply, savoring the feelings of relaxation and ease. Express gratitude to yourself for dedicating this time. Promise and reassure yourself that you can revisit this place or another sanctuary whenever needed.
  • Know that you can return to this haven at any time. To do so, simply find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and bring the image of your special place. As you gently bring your awareness back to the room, open your eyes slowly, reconnecting with the present space around you.

As we progress through this workbook, we'll continue exploring these experiences and work towards understanding and healing from the effects of trauma.

Chapter 2: Recognizing PTSD Symptoms

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2.1 Interactive Checklist:

In this section, we'll explore common symptoms associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Use the interactive checklist below to mark any symptoms you resonate with. Remember, everyone's experience is unique, and it's okay if not all symptoms apply.

PTSD Symptoms Checklist:

  • Flashbacks
  • Nightmares
  • Avoidance of triggers
  • Hyperarousal (feeling on edge)
  • Intrusive thoughts

Take your time going through the checklist. Mark the symptoms that resonate with you. This self-awareness exercise is a crucial step in recognizing the impact of trauma on your mental well-being.

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In this section, we'll delve into real-life examples to provide a deeper understanding of how PTSD symptoms can manifest. These stories are shared anonymously to respect individuals' privacy.

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Real-life Examples

Example 1:

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Emma, a survivor of a traumatic event, often experiences vivid nightmares and intrusive thoughts related to the incident. These symptoms affect her daily life and relationships.

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Example 2:

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John, who witnessed a car accident, finds himself avoiding busy streets and experiences intense anxiety when unexpected sounds trigger memories of the crash.

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Chapter 3: Self-Assessment

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Welcome to your self-reflection journey. Use the following prompts to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The journal is your personal space to express yourself freely.

Reflective Prompts:

  • Describe a situation from your past that still affects you emotionally.

  • How do you typically cope with stress or difficult emotions?

  • What positive qualities or strengths do you recognize in yourself?

Open Space:

Feel free to write as much or as little as you're comfortable with. This is a tool for self-discovery and expression.


3.1 Self-Reflection Journal:

3.2 Mindfulness Exercises:


Mindfulness exercises can help ground you in the present moment. Try the following exercises to foster self-awareness and relaxation.

Exercise 1: Grounding Technique

  • Sit comfortably and take a deep breath.
  • Acknowledge five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.

Exercise 2: Breathing Exercise

  • Focus on your breath. Inhale for a count of four, hold for four, exhale for four. Repeat.

Chapter 4: Building Resilience

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4.1 Strengths Assessment:

Guided Questions:

Explore your inner strengths and resilience. Answer the following questions to identify qualities that have helped you navigate challenges.

Reflective Questions:

  • Recall a difficult situation you successfully navigated. What strengths did you demonstrate?

  • Identify positive qualities you appreciate in yourself.

  • How have you coped with adversity in the past?


Celebrate your strengths by creating a visual representation. Draw or collage images that represent your resilience.

Circle your strengths from the choices below, or add your own at the bottom.


Artistic Ability





Open Mindedness





Social Awareness






Common Sense




Love of Learning


















4.2 Positive Affirmations:


Craft positive affirmations to uplift and empower yourself. Use the template below to create personalized affirmations.

Affirmation Template:

"I am [positive quality], and I have the strength to [action]."

Example: "I am resilient, and I have the strength to overcome challenges."


Repeat these affirmations daily to reinforce a positive self-image and foster resilience.

Chapter 5: Seeking Support

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5.1 Resources and Helplines:

Explore local and online resources for professional help. Remember, reaching out for support is a brave step towards healing.

Local Resources:

Online Resources:

5.2 Creating a Support Network:

Building a support network is essential. Use the interactive diagram below to map out individuals or resources that offer support.

Support Network Diagram:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Therapist
  • Support Groups
  • Online Communities

Connecting with others who understand and support you is a crucial aspect of the healing journey.

Draw your current Support Network

Book an EMDR Session with me to fight your PTSD:

My mission as a psychotherapist is to empower individuals to embrace new and healthier lifestyles by transforming their belief systems utilizing CBT, DBT, MBCT, hypnosis, EMDR, ACT and generating new adaptive behaviours to transition into a better lifestyles and happier living. Witnessing happy and healthy individuals brings me great joy.